hello all,

I have been an EPD user on OS X and decided to give it a try for Sage.
However on the first place i encountered some problems and i was
wondering if somebody could give a hand...

1. How can somebody start an ipython session in the terminal. After i
uninstalled EPD asking for ipython in terminal simply gives:

hcp165:~ vasilis$ ipython
-bash: ipython: command not found
dhcp165:~ vasilis$

Now if i start sage in the teminal mode and ask for ipython i get:

Last login: Mon Jan 12 14:56:00 on ttys000
dhcp165:~ vasilis$ /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
| Sage Version 3.2.3, Release Date: 2009-01-05                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: ipython
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/Users/vasilis/<ipython console> in <module>()

NameError: name 'ipython' is not defined

The same of course happens if i want to start ipython in the -pylab

2. From inside sage in notebook mode it looks like all numpy , scipy
pylab libraries are imported without problem. Though when i ask for an
interactive plot with pylab.show() i can simply get nothing out of it.
However plotting with pylab seems to be working ok as i can generate
line instances and save them with pylab.savefig('filename')

Any help will be very much appreciated


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