On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:44 AM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Support,
> I built 3.2.2 and seem to have a worsening of the auto-evaluation of
> @interact worksheets.  Up to 3.2.1 the worksheets only autoevaluate
> interacts if I actually open them (the worksheets) up.  In 3.2.2 today
> they auto-evaluated for ALL my worksheets with @interact in them
> without opening (that is, the list of worksheets had all such sheets
> saying "running" for some reason).  That would be a lot of things to
> open just to interrupt them...
> This was a little unfortunate, because it meant rlmiller had to do his
> presentation for the MAA Panel session in reverse order while we
> switched computers.
> I don't know if this is reproducible - it may have been a once-off
> problem, something I somehow inadvertently broke (though I'm not sure
> what), or just my old OSX.4 PPC.  But I thought I would report it.
> The wifi here is spotty, so I don't have time to try it on sagenb or
> something, but if someone could check this out in 3.2.2 and/or 3.2.3
> on a few platforms I would appreciate it; if it's reproducible there I
> suggest this be logged as a blocker; it is a huge memory waste and
> time drain.

I tried to replicate this on my OS X laptop and couldn't, but then I
tried on sagenb.org after upgrading, and yes, I *could* replicate it.
This is obviously very very bad.

This was already reported here: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4947

 -- William

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