On Jan 4, 2009, at 11:47 AM, ggrafendorfer wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> thanks for your answer,
> I not sure if I know the difference between coercion and conversion,
> could you explain it to me?

A coercion is implicit and happens, for example, when you do arithmetic.

sage: 1 + 1/2    # 1 is coerced into a rational number before the  
addition takes place
sage: 1.2 + 1/2         # 1/2 is coerced into RR
sage: 11 + mod(2, 5)    # 11 is coerced into Z/5Z
sage: R.<t> = QQ[]; R
Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field
sage: t^2 + 5    # 5 is coerce into Q[t]
t^2 + 5

Coercions are nearly always canonical, and commute with each other  
(modulo perhaps rounding issues for inexact sets). Coercions must be  
defined on the entire domain. To see them explicitly one can do

sage: R.coerce_map_from(ZZ)
Call morphism:
   From: Integer Ring
   To:   Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field

A conversion is explicit, and tries to make a new element of the  
right type if it makes sense at all. If there is a coercion from R to  
S, then "conversion" from R to S will be via this coercion, but  
otherwise it does the best it can.

sage: ZZ(t + 1 - t)   # there is no coercion from R to Z, but the  
constant polynomials convert.
sage: QQ(1.2)   # there is no coercion from RR to QQ, but we do our  
best to find a good representative
sage: ZZ(t + 1 - t).parent()
Integer Ring
sage: ZZ(mod(3, 5)) + ZZ(mod(3,7))
sage: R([1,2,3])
3*t^2 + 2*t + 1

Hope this helps clarify things.

- Robert

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