On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 8:31 PM,  <freewill1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> (1) I typed the following equations into sage
> eq1 = t1 == ( l / v0 )
> eq2 = v1 * ( t2 - t1 ) / 2 + v2 * ( t2 - t1 )/2
> eq3 = vav == ( ( 2 * l ) / t2 )
> solve( [eq1, eq2, eq3], t2, vav,  l )
> I get the correct answer, but directly the answer.
> Is there a way to output the intermedite results as well, like the
> elimination of variables, formation of quadratic equations etc. I mean
> can I get more information on how the computation has proceeded, so
> that I can get better intuition for the answers.

No, unfortunately not.

> (2) I typed in the following equations
> eq1 = 2*u + v + w == 5
> eq2 = 4*u - 6*v == -2
> eq3 = -2*u + 7*v + 2*w == 9
> then
> eq2 = eq2 - (2 * eq1)
> eq2
> the output is
> -2(w + v + 2u) - 6v + 4u == -12
> This is little surprising, as I expected a simplified result, but the
> result doesn't seems to be simplified, its just expanded. Can I get a
> simplified  expression?

You can use the expand command:

sage: var('w,v,u')
(w, v, u)
sage: Z = -2*(w+v+2*u) - 6*v + 4*u == -12
sage: Z
-2*(w + v + 2*u) - 6*v + 4*u == -12
sage: Z.expand()
-2*w - 8*v == -12

> I would be deeply thankful for some suggestions in this regard!
> Thanking you
> Vivek Kumar
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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