One way:

sage: f = open("mydatafile.txt")
sage: l1 = f.readline()
sage: ls1 = l1.split("  ")
sage: l1; ls1
"'b'  'breadth of member'  250\n"
["'b'", "'breadth of member'", '250\n']
sage: eval(ls1[2])

where mydatafile.txt is in $SAGEROOT and consists of these lines:

'b'  'breadth of member'  250
'D'  'overall depth of member'  550

and each item is separated by 2 spaces.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:36 PM, H. S. Rai <> wrote:
> What is the easiest way to read data from file. file function mention
> of size, I want to read variable wise, like:
>, myFloat1, myString1)
> My data file will be:
> 'b' 'breadth of member' 250
> 'D' 'overall depth of member' 550
> Each line having three entries: <variable name>,<Description>,<Default vaule>
> These may be separated by comma, tab or space. If I am able to read
> and have list like:
> varList[ [ 'b', 'breadth of member', 250 ] , [ 'D', 'overall depth of
> member', 550  ]  ]
> then that will serve my purpose.
> With regards,
> --
> H.S.Rai
> >

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