On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Alasdair <amc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I create a matrix over the ring of integers mod 10:
> M=random_matrix(IntegerModRing(10),3,3)
> Now the adjoint certainly exists, but M.adjoint() isn't as yet
> implemented over general rings - only over ZZ or QQ.  How can I use,
> say, Maxima or Pari within Sage to compute the adjoint of M?

You can do it as illustrated below.  However, note that for a random
input matrix it does not work in PARI (as you seem to think it
should), as illustrated below:

sage: M=random_matrix(IntegerModRing(10),3,3)
sage: b = pari(M)
sage: b.matadjoint()
PariError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

  *** matadjoint: impossible inverse modulo: Mod(8, 10).

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