On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Jason Grout
> mabshoff wrote:
>>> Also, such code could be loaded into a running Sage session easily,
>>> something like the contributions directory of maxima.  Personally, I
>>> would love if our special-purpose code (probably too specialized to be
>>> included in Sage) were accessible to anyone that had Sage.
>> IMHO there is very little code I would consider to specialized for
>> Sage, but that depends of you are a fan of the kitchen sink model or
>> not. I really dislike that concept of a contrib directory like in
>> Maxima, i.e. in Maxima that directory contains at least some code
>> duplication and generally not well integrated code, for example
>> various implementations of vectors that are incompatible and so on.
>> That code is also not well tested, i.e. there are various failures
>> depending on the lisp you pick to run the contrib code test suite on.
>> The ultimate goal should be to get code into Sage since there is
>> nearly always common code to factor out and getting more users for
>> some infrastructure bits in Sage has always improved that code. And if
>> you apply the same demands to the contributed code as to Sage library
>> code, i.e. 100% doctests and so on, you might as well get the code in
>> the library itself. Obviously some people will likely disagree with me
>> on the kitchen sink model :)
> You had my intent right.  So you think having a "minimum_rank_bounds"
> function on graphs and an associated file or two would be okay to be in
> the Sage library?

I don't see why not, as long as it is up to snuff code-quality wise.   Just
don't make it a function imported to the global namespace by default on
startup of Sage.

> I don't think it would pass the "widely-needed"
> criteria of a standard spkg.  However, if people think it is interesting
> enough to go into the Sage proper, then I have no objection.  I'd have
> to get the approval of the other developers, of course.
> I think probably less than 10 research groups may use this code
> currently.  Those are people that we are actively exposing to Sage,
> though :).

A Sage build is over a gigabyte, involves well over 5 million lines of
code, and is probably bigger than any other single math software
system in the world.  And amazingly we're doing fine size-wise.  I
think we can handle a few more hundreds of pages of hand-written
Python code.


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