On Dec 3, 2008, at 9:58 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

On Dec 3, 2008, at 10:42 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

So, bringing up an issue that has come up before, there is no way
to do
the equivalent of the Hold or HoldAll commands in Mma?  See
for example.

Not without some preparsing magic, and even then it might be tricky
as there is not a simple one-to-one correspondence between the python
parse tree and the mathematical expression.

It'd still be nice if there were a way to be able to create and deal
with unevaluated symbolic expressions (for example, if I want to print
an integral sign by doing latex(hold(integrate(...))) ).  I guess we
could add yet another feature to the preparser if there was enough

Another way to do it might be to have classes like Integrate (as
to functions), that represent an integral.

I'm not a fan of making such a distinction based on the
capitalization of the first letter, but it would make sense to have
integral (the noun) be unevaluated, and integrate (the verb) actually
do the work.

I'm definitely in favour of the basic idea. Another approach would be
to have an option to pass to the integrate function to hold the evaluation
which is evaluated after calling a second function.



Tim Lahey
PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo

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