Hi all:

Do any of you know what is going wrong with the variety() command in
the example below?  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  The
problem seems to be variety()'s call to triangular_decomposition().


| Sage Version 3.2, Release Date: 2008-11-20                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: R.<w,z>= PolynomialRing(QQ,2,order='lex')
sage: F= 19 -20*z -20*w +5*z^2 +14*z*w +5*w^2 -2*z^2*w -2*z*w^2
sage: G= (w*z-1)*F
sage: for f in [F,G]:
....:     I= ideal([f] +f.gradient())
....:     I= ideal(I.groebner_basis())
....:     print I
....:     I.vector_space_dimension()
....:     I.variety()
Ideal (w - 1, z - 1) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in w, z over
Rational Field
[{z: 1, w: 1}]
Ideal (w^2 - 2*w - 17/5*z^4 + 434/25*z^3 - 817/25*z^2 + 672/25*z -
179/25, w*z - w + 33/28*z^4 - 433/70*z^3 + 869/70*z^2 - 839/70*z +
641/140, z^5 - 27/5*z^4 + 56/5*z^3 - 56/5*z^2 + 27/5*z - 1) of
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in w, z over Rational Field
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/Users/arai021/<ipython console> in <module>()

polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.pyc in variety(self, ring)
   1528         P = self.ring()
   1529         if ring is not None: P = P.change_ring(ring)
-> 1530         T = self.triangular_decomposition
   1532         V = []

polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.pyc in triangular_decomposition
(self, algorithm, singular)
    777             Tbar = Ibar.triangL()
    778         elif algorithm == "singular:triangLfak":
--> 779             Tbar = Ibar.triangLfak()
    780         elif algorithm == "singular:triangM":
    781             Tbar = Ibar.triangM()

expect.pyc in __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
   1249     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
-> 1250         return self._obj.parent().function_call(self._name,
[self._obj] + list(args), kwds)
   1252     def help(self):

expect.pyc in function_call(self, function, args, kwds)
   1169         return self.new("%s(%s)"%(function, ",".join([s.name()
for s in args]+
-> 1170                                                      ['%s=%s'%
(key,value.name()) for key, value in kwds.items()])))
   1172     def call(self, function_name, *args, **kwds):

expect.pyc in new(self, code)
   1029     def new(self, code):
-> 1030         return self(code)

singular.pyc in __call__(self, x, type)
    591             x = str(x)[1:-1]
--> 593         return SingularElement(self, type, x, False)

singular.pyc in __init__(self, parent, type, value, is_name)
   1007             except (RuntimeError, TypeError,
KeyboardInterrupt), x:
   1008                 self._session_number = -1
-> 1009                 raise TypeError, x
   1010         else:
   1011             self._name = value

TypeError: Singular error:
   ? wrong range[2] in ideal/module(1)
   ? error occurred in triang.lib::Erw_ggt_oT line 509: `parameter
poly f; parameter  poly g; parameter  int v; parameter  ideal T;  `
   ? wrong type declaration. type 'help poly;'
   ? leaving triang.lib::Erw_ggt_oT
   ? `f` is undefined
   ? error occurred in triang.lib::Erw_ggt_oT line 511: `    poly p1 =
   ? expected poly-expression. type 'help poly;'
   ? leaving triang.lib::Erw_ggt_oT
   skipping text from `;` error at token `)`
   ? leaving triang.lib::invertieren_oT
   ? leaving triang.lib::normieren_oT
   ? leaving triang.lib::Erw_ggt_oT
   ? leaving triang.lib::invertieren_oT
   ? leaving triang.lib::invertieren
   ? leaving triang.lib::triangLbas
   ? leaving triang.lib::triangLfak

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