pong wrote:
> I have turned some codes that I have from PARI/GP into SAGE script but
> I find that they are order of magnitude slower than the original
> codes. Both types of codes are complied (i.e. I have .run in PARI and
> spyx files for SAGE) and running on the same machine.
> I am sure that's because I don't know enough of SAGE/Python to make
> them fast (e.g. log(RDF(2)) seems to be faster than log(float(2))). In
> general, if I want to do some simply arithmetic operations fast,
> what's the way to go with SAGE? Is sage.ext.arith the module that I
> should use?
> I couldn't find help on using fast_arith  from the SAGE documentation
> so any examples and pointers are appreciated.

Posting some specific snippets that we can help with will probably get 
better answers that queries for general advice.

That is curious about the log(RDF(2)) compared to log(float(2)).  What 
about math.log(float(2))?  That is pretty much the C log function being 
called on a C float.  (You might have to import math first).  Here are 
the timings:

sage: a=RDF(2)
sage: %timeit b=log(a)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.71 µs per loop
sage: a=float(2)
sage: %timeit b=log(a)
100000 loops, best of 3: 10.4 µs per loop
sage: from math import log
sage: %timeit b=log(a)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 643 ns per loop



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