On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 4:14 PM, DGaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically, the error is as such:
> Our error is that when we use data of list length > 600ish, for some
> reason sage hangs. We know that this is not because we are impatient,
> and that it is actually working, because when the list length is under
> 600ish, it generates almost instantly. We want to be able to go to
> list lengths of over 2000, so this proves to be a deal breaker. We
> were originally using all of the node names as hash strings of the
> content, but we optimized it so we have smaller corresponding numbers
> that relate to each piece of content that we are interested in. Still,
> this has yielded no significant change. We think that this either is a
> problem with the allowed length of lists in Sage, but python has an
> allowable list length of around 2 billion, so that seems unlikely. We
> also wonder if there is possibly some memory cap that is reached with
> our data, but if it is that, the memory cap seems unreasonably small.
> Either way, any suggestions/workarounds would be greatly appreciated.
> If there is another library that would be better suited to these
> needs, just naming that would help us out a ton. Thanks much everyone!
> Devin, Ian, and Max
> Sample data of what we have been putting into sage can be downloaded
> here: http://www.devingaffney.com/files/data.txt
> We are trying to build a program as stipulated here:
> http://www.devingaffney.com/wikipedia-network-maps.
> The basic thing we are inputting into sage when it hangs is this:
> g = [data.txt file that is mentioned above] //this is where the hang
> occurs; even declaring g with "too much" data makes sage hang up.
> G = Graph(g)
> G.show()

I'm not sure what you're doing wrong, but in the below session I load
the above data file, parse it, then display the plot, and it takes
about 2 seconds total and only a few megabytes of RAM:

bsd:~ was$ sage
| SAGE Version 3.1.4, Release Date: 2008-10-20                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: get_memory_usage()
sage: time a = 
Attempting to load remote file: http://www.devingaffney.com/files/data.txt
Loading: [........]
CPU times: user 0.05 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 0.09 s
Wall time: 0.42 s
sage: get_memory_usage()
sage: a[632]
[142, 139, 75]
sage: time G = Graph(a)
CPU times: user 0.19 s, sys: 0.19 s, total: 0.38 s
Wall time: 1.46 s
sage: time G.show()
CPU times: user 1.98 s, sys: 0.05 s, total: 2.03 s
Wall time: 2.32 s
sage: get_memory_usage()

The default 2d plot that comes up looks like crap, unfortunately.

This kind of looks like something:


If you remake the plot, but delete vertex 635, the plot looks
*dramatically* better:

sage: del a[635]
sage: G = Graph(a)
sage: G.plot(vertex_size=0.1).show(figsize=[20,15])

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