On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Minh Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi kcrisman,
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:22 AM, kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Yes. Could you please post the said link. I really want to know what
>>> caused the problem you're describing.
>> http://math.uchicago.edu/~crisman/Weird_Notebook_Behavior.sws
>> I would try it out sagenb.org, but... :)  However, I did try it on our
>> departmental server (which is 3.0.4, I think) and it also blew up.
>> Sample function which causes problems:
>> sage: def plot_or_not():
>> ....:     '''
>> ....:     What's up with this? x^3
>> ....:     '''
>> ....:     f(x)=x^3
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>   File "<ipython console>", line 5
>> SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<ipython console>, line 5)
>> Experimentation reveals that the apostrophe is causing the trouble.
>> As you can see, I now have had time to try this in the console, as
>> well as the other problems on the linked worksheet, so I'm baffled.
>> I hope it's not my architecture - PPC OSX.4.
> OK, here's my experimentation from within the console sage-3.1.4, x86
> machine, Debian 5.0 Lenny (testing):
> Yep, I received a similar error as you described:
> sage: def foo():
> ....:     '''
> ....:     What's up with this? x^3
> ....:     '''
> ....:     f(x) = x^3
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   File "<ipython console>", line 5
> SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<ipython console>, line 5)
> John's suggestion about replacing the ''' with r''' results in the same error:
> sage: def foo():
> ....:     r'''
> ....:     What's up with this? x^3
> ....:     '''
> ....:     f(x) = x^3
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   File "<ipython console>", line 5
> SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<ipython console>, line 5)
> As Simon has said, the error seems to go away when I used triple "
> (double quotation mark, not single quotation mark), which I normally
> do anyway whenever I write docstring. But using triple ''' with or
> without the leading r, and with or without the question mark, resulted
> in a siimilar error:
> sage: def foo():
> ....:     '''
> ....:     What's up with this? x^3
> ....:     '''
> ....:     f(x) = x^3
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   File "<ipython console>", line 5
> SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<ipython console>, line 5)
> sage: def foo():
> ....:     r'''
> ....:     What's up here x^3
> ....:     '''
> ....:     f(x) = x^3
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   File "<ipython console>", line 5
> SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<ipython console>, line 5)
> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen

Can you make a trac ticket with the above info?  It should be enough to
make it "easy" for somebody to fix the problem, which is surely a bug
in the Sage preparser (and is surely my fault).

 -- William

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