Or, if you don't like constantly having to repeat the variable name,
something like:

sage: def vshow(_v):
....:     print '%s = %s\n' % (_v,latex(globals()[_v]))
sage: var('q')
sage: a = 3*q/2
sage: vshow('a')
a = \frac{{3 q}}{2}

This is far from an ideal solution, as if you call it
from within another function, you may have to change
'globals()' to 'locals()' or get even a bit more complex
by trying locals first, then globals ...

Samuel Gaehwiler wrote:
> hi,
> I use sage (in notebook mode) for basic calculations on a daily basis.
> I also like to print out my calculations and hand it in with my
> exercise.
> Since the people who correct them here at the ETH university in Z�rich
> are not familiar with sage, I would like to print every result with
> the variable-name in front of it.
> i.e.
> sage> a_2 = 2/3+1
> sage> show(a_2)
>   a_2 = 5/3  (nicly formated, as if typsetted in latex)
> is this somehow possible? (is there an argument for show() I've
> missed, or maybe a little phyton script?)
> best regards,
> Samuel
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