
I'm forwarding my reply to sage-support and sage-edu, two mailing lists 
that are dedicated to helping people use Sage.  To others on the list: 
please feel free to respond to "Why do I use Sage over (or with) other 
commercial software" and how you use Sage in teaching.

Kim, In-Jae wrote:
> Hello Jason,
> I have a question on SAGE.
> Have you used SAGE for undergrad or grad courses?

Yes, both.  I am currently using it in Calc 2 and differential equations 
for in-class calculations, plots, etc.  I am in the process of setting 
up a math department sage server, which will then have student accounts 
and they will be able to do their work on the server, if they want.  I 
will also distribute some in-class notes on the server and work out some 
questions that students ask on the server.

> If you have, could you let me know for what courses you used, and how you 
> used it in those courses?
I've used it in calc 2, calc 3, linear algebra, differential equations, 
and an early graduate research course.  I am preparing a talk on our 
experiences using it in the graduate course.  Basically, we used it to 
collaboratively write programs that calculated things about the minimum 
rank problem.  There were several unique things about Sage that made it 
particularly suited for this, more than other commercial software 
programs.  My abstract is:

This talk will discuss the use of Sage in a course designed to involve
first and second-year graduate students in research.  In this case,
none of the students or the professor had had prior experience with
Sage.  Students collaborated using Sage and the included NetworkX
package to investigate the minimum rank problem in combinatorial
matrix theory.  Various features of Sage (e.g., the included NetworkX
package, the N.I.C.E. graph automorphism functionality, the online
notebook interface, Cython integration, etc.)  made Sage more useful
than other commercial math software that was tried.  In addition, the
free nature of Sage made it more desirable for sharing research with
other mathematicians since the mathematicians working on the problem
do not all have access to the same commercial software.  The results
and source code of the research will be submitted as a paper soon.
After the course, several students are continuing to use Sage in their
other courses and one is planning to use Sage heavily in her masters

> Could you also give me a brief statemnet for strength of SAGE compared to 
> Mathematica or Maple?

It depends on the area, so you'll have to give me an area to get a more 
specific answer.  In general, Sage has somewhat weaker general symbolic 
capabilities (i.e., integrals, etc.) than mathematica or maple (though 
usually this does not seem to be a problem in undergraduate-level 
problems).  It has *much* stronger number theory functionality.  Things 
are object-oriented in Sage and Sage understands mathematical structures 
and how they relate (using category theory).  For example, Sage knows 
what a vector space is, what a finite field is, etc.  You can actually 
create a finite field or an extension of the rationals and ask questions 
about it.  You can create a polynomial ring over a field and then just 
work with it. 

Sage is also generally faster than either Mathematica or Maple, in my 

The web interface to Sage is a huge plus to Sage over mathematica and 
maple.  Of course, being free and open-source is something that is 
unmatched in either Mathematica or Maple; that is a very important point 
that is sometimes overlooked.  You can literally see what is going on 
inside of Sage, where you have to guess what is happening in Mathematica 
or Maple.

One reason that Sage was chosen for an AIM workshop on helping 
undergraduate research was that the participants didn't have a common 
computational system (i.e., some had access to Mathematica, some had 
access to Maple, some had access to neither).  They could use Sage 
because it was free, whereas it would have been problematic to insist 
that every person somehow acquire access to a specific piece of 
commercial software.  Related to this, I had a student complain on my 
course evaluations about me using Mathematica in class because it is 
hard for our students here to have access to Mathematica, and they would 
have to pay in order to use it at home, etc.

If you are teaching future secondary ed teachers, then they most likely 
will not have access to Maple or Mathematica when they are teaching high 
school because of the cost.  However, they *will* have access to Sage, 
so using Sage directly benefits their future students because whatever 
they learn can be used in their high school classes.

Another huge plus to Sage, in my eyes, is that it is based on one of the 
most prevalent  and easiest-to-use computer languages around, Python.  
Students that learn to use Mathematica and Maple learn a language that 
they, in most likelyhood, will never use once they graduate.  However, 
Python is used in many, many industries, so their python knowledge from 
using Sage is directly applicable later on.

Those are a few things that came to my mind right away.  After some time 
thinking about it, I probably will have other things that make Sage more 
effective for me than other commercial software.



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