Hi Martin,

Thanks for your reply. Please, see my comments inline.

On Sep 18, 12:18 pm, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hivpv,
> you can certainly post-process the first option to get an equation system in
> the plaintext and key variables alone. You'll need an appropriate term
> ordering where each layer's head term is bigger than the previous layer's
> head term. You'll also replace the S-Box equations by direct equations which
> is just the Gröbner basis with this variable order + 'lex'. Finally, you
> compute the normal form of each layer w.r.t. the last layer.
> As for the direct generation:
>  * I'd be very happy if you'd share your code! I would like to make sure that
> it fits into the current framework/is compatible and reuses the existing
> machinery. Are you doing that?

I don't think so. What should I do to make my code to fit in the SAGE
framework? Maybe there are some guidelines for developers? The only
link i found was this one http://www.sagemath.org/development.html

>  * I'd guess it should be fairly straight forward (for someone knowing the
> code of mq.SR) to add what you want: (a) make some type checks more relaxed &
> user-friendly and (b) add support for 'variable encryption' by replacing
> sr.sub_bytes with a function returning equations.

This will be very useful. For me at least.

>  * In the upcoming version of Sage (3.1.2) mq.SR generates equation systems in
> PolyBoRi if asked to.
>  * If we're going to support direct representation of ciphertext bits in
> plaintext and key variables we should also support GF(2^n) as base field not
> only GF(2), i.e. BES style equations. This will be slightly more involving.

Anyway I was already thinking of developing a version of my code for
GF(2^n), so I would gladly help with this.

> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
> name: Martin Albrecht
> _pgp:http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
> _www:http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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