Hey all:

I'm back with a follow up question on the topic of substitution in
Sage.  How can i work the following example?  I have an expression
that involves the derivative of a function, and into that expression i
want to substitute the value of the derivative.  Simple, eh?  I tried
Mike's ** trick and variations thereof, but that doesn't seem to work:

sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: f= function('y',x)
sage: g= diff(f,x)
sage: h= diff(f^2,x)
sage: print h

                              2 y(x) (-- (y(x)))

sage: print h.substitute(**{str(g):cos(x)})
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call

/Users/arai021/<ipython console> in <module>()

calculus.py in substitute(self, in_dict, **kwds)
   3605         X = self.simplify()
   3606         kwds = self.__parse_in_dict(in_dict, kwds)
-> 3607         kwds = self.__varify_kwds(kwds)
   3608         return X._recursive_sub(kwds)

calculus.py in __varify_kwds(self, kwds)
   3661         """
-> 3662         return dict([(var(k) if isinstance(k,str) else k, w)
for k,w in kwds.iteritems()])
   3664     def substitute_over_ring(self, in_dict=None, ring=None,

calculus.py in var(s, create)
   5297         return tuple([var(x.strip()) for x in s.split(',')])
   5298     elif ' ' in s:
-> 5299         return tuple([var(x.strip()) for x in s.split()])
   5300     try:
   5301         v = _vars[s]

calculus.py in var(s, create)
   5306             raise ValueError, "the variable '%s' has not been
   5307         pass
-> 5308     v = SymbolicVariable(s)
   5309     _vars[s] = v
   5310     _syms[s] = v

calculus.py in __init__(self, name)
   5140             raise ValueError, "variable name must be nonempty"
   5141         elif not is_python_identifier.match(name):
-> 5142             raise ValueError, "variable name is not a valid
Python identifier"
   5144     def __hash__(self):

ValueError: variable name is not a valid Python identifier


On Sep 19, 1:18 pm, Alex Raichev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sweet!  Thanks, Mike.
> On Sep 19, 11:56 am, "Mike Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Alex Raichev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Now, with the above in mind, how do you write a function to evaluate
> > > that sine limit given a variable from the user?  We know the following
> > > does not work.
> > > sage: var('x')
> > > x
> > > sage: def limmy(w):
> > > ....:     return limit(sin(w)/w,w=0)
> > > sage: limmy(x)
> > > sin(x)/x
> > > More generally, how do you execute functions requiring keyword
> > > arguments, such as limit(), when you don't know the symbolic variable
> > > names involved (but have references to them)?
> > Here's one way to do it:
> > sage: def limmy(w):
> > ....:     return limit(sin(w)/w,**{str(w):0})
> > ....:
> > sage: limmy(x)
> > 1
> > sage: limmy(var('w'))
> > 1
> > Not the most elegant, but it works.
> > --Mike
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