
suppose that K is a number field and U the group of units in the maximal 
order of K. Then the rank r of U, i.e. the rank r of the free group U_f= 
U/Tor(U) (where Tor(U) denotes the group of torsion elements in U) is 
given by Dirichlet's unit theorem. Clearly r is the dimension of the 
Q-vector space U_Q = U (x)_Z Q.

Sage gives a basis of U_Q (sage: K.units()).

Now given r units u_1,...,u_r how can it be tested that the u's generate 
U_Q - or are linearly independent over Q?

If the structure of U_Q was additive, this might not be a problem for 
SAGE as it is a standard problem in linear algebra boiling down to 
calculate a determinant. But how to tackle this problem when the 
structure of the Q-vector space is multiplicative, at least in notation.

Thanks for any help.

Please do not hesitate to ask for more information if something is 
unclear or needs more information.

Best wishes,

ps: This is my first posting here. Hope that this email will get through 
to the forum.

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