adrian wrote:
> The following  works nice:
> G=Graph({0:[1,2],1:[2,3],2:[4]})
> But the following produces a wrong drawing
> H=DiGraph({0:[1,2],1:[2,3],2:[4]})

Yes, there was a simple, but serious bug in the arrow-drawing code in 
3.1.1.  That was the first fix to go into 3.1.2, which should be out in 
a matter of days.

> However, H.show3d() works fine
> Now, there is another problem:
> Say, I want to define a multigraph with selfloops, and edge labels..
> One way to do this is:
> import networkx
> G=networkx.XDiGraph(selfloops=True,multiedges=True)
> for i in range(3): G.add_node(i)
> for i in [(1,1,'hola'),(1,1,'hi'),(1,2,'two'),(1,2,'dos'),
> (2,1,'one')]: G.add_edge(i)
> G=DiGraph(G)
> Now, I would be tempted to just do the following:
> G=DiGraph({1:{1:'hola',1:'hi',2:'two',2:'dos'},2:{1:'one'}},
> loops=True, multiedges=True)
> or trying
> import networkx
> G=networkx.XDiGraph({1:{1:'hola',1:'hi',2:'two',2:'dos'},2:{1:'one'}},
> selfloops=True, multiedges=True)
> But in each case  I get:
> G.edges()
> (1, 1, 'h'), (1, 1, 'i'), (1, 2, 'd'), (1, 2, 'o'), (1, 2, 's'), (2,
> 1,
> 'o'), (2, 1, 'n'), (2, 1, 'e')]
> Which is not as intended for two reasons:  One is that the labels are
> wrong, and the other one is that it created three edges from 1 to 2.
> Any help?

It looks like it is creating an edge for every character in every other 
label, which I think is a bug.  I've created a ticket to track the 
status of this bug:

Thanks for reporting it.


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