Hi there,

it seems PolyBoRi is broken in the public notebook:

sage: sr = mq.SR(2,1,1,4,gf2=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R= F.ring()
sage: B = BooleanPolynomialRing(R.ngens(), R.variable_names(), order="lex")
sage: F2 = B.ideal([B(f) for f in F]) # PolyBoRi
sage: F2.groebner_basis()

Traceback (click to the left for traceback)
ImportError: No module named polybori.gbcore

while the same computation works for me locally. Any idea?


PS: The above example may fail with a ZeroDivisionError, in that case try 
again. This exception is expected and wanted.
name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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