On Jul 12, 10:01 am, Karen Bindash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Karen,

> I hope this is the most appropiate list, as I am aware of other
> similar lists. If not, please let me know what is best.

This is the right list.

> I have seen various references to Sage on Solaris going back quite
> some time. Can anybody advise on
> 1) If a port is definately planned, or has it been shelved?

It is ongoing.

> 2) If a port is planned, what is the expected time-scale for a version
> which run will on Solaris without too much effort?

Well, define "too much effort". Right now I am the only guy with
enough Sage-Foo to build Sage on Solaris in 32 bit mode:

bash-3.00$ uname -a
SunOS mark 5.10 Generic_127111-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-2500
bash-3.00$ export PATH=/usr/local/gcc-4.3.1/sparc-SunOS/bin/:$PATH
bash-3.00$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gcc-4.3.1/sparc-SunOS/lib/
bash-3.00$ ./sage
| SAGE Version 3.0.1, Release Date: 2008-05-04                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: P.<x,y>=QQ[]
sage: (x+y)/x
(x + y)/x
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.05s, Wall time 0m38.77s).

This is 3.0.1+ a bunch of custom updates from later releases, but I
will start today on 3.0.5 since the last couple weeks have kept me
busy with other things. That build does not pass doctests and it will
be a while until it does, but I am working on it.

> I had a vane attempt to build version 3.0.4 on a Sun Ultra 45
> workstation, but it soon stops while compiling NTL, although I believe
> from the notes that it can be built on Solaris.


> I used the default install of gcc (3.4.3) in /usr/sfw/bin. An attempt
> with the 'cc' compiler was even less successful than the attempt with
> 'gcc'.

Sun's gcc version as well as the one from Blastwave are pretty bad
IMHO to build Sage. The main issue is that they are usually build to
use Sun's ld and as and many packages in Sage detect gld and gas and/
or have GNUisms, so things tend to blow up. Sun's build of the GNU
binutils is also quite buggy and those bugs prevent Sage from

> If anyone has built Sage on Solaris, can they advise what compiler
> version, as well as any other information which might be useful.

I build my own custom toolchain (at least gcc, binutils and gmake) to
build Sage. But even that custom build chain does not build Sage out
of the box; I have about 10 fixes I need to merge back into Sage to
get close for it to work in 32 bit mode on Solaris 10 out of the box
for now.

The medium term plan is to have a custom toolchain for Sage on Solaris
build out of the box before Sage since the system compilers on Solaris
will always give trouble. I have something that is half way automated
to do this, but still needs some work and polish.

> Karen.


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