Thanks Alec for pointing out the incorrect prime count (I was failing
to mark the
last element in the array as non-prime).

Michael, I divided the sieve program into three parts: create array,
mark primes, and
count primes.  I then ran the sieve program under sage-3.0.1 and
Here is a summary of the times in seconds and percent:

  (seconds)     3.0.1    3.0.2          (percent)   3.0.1    3.0.2
Create array    15.84    25.71        Create array    22       21
Mark primes     38.08    69.22        Mark primes     53       56
Count primes    17.62    28.96        Count primes    25       23
Elapsed         71.55   123.89        Elapsed        100      100

It looks like the GMP regression is effecting all parts of the program
When looked at from a percentage basis, there isn't much difference
percentages among the three parts of the program when run under
Sage-3.0.1 or

Detailed timings and a revised sieve program follow:

/home/daryl/sage-3.0.1/sage /home/daryl/UserData/sage/sieve.sage

SAGE Version 3.0.1, Release Date: 2008-05-05

Start time:       Thu Jul  3 00:31:35 2008

Array size:       10000000

Create array:     Thu Jul  3 00:31:51 2008
Create seconds:   15.84

Mark primes:      Thu Jul  3 00:32:29 2008
Mark seconds:     38.08

Count primes:     Thu Jul  3 00:32:46 2008
Count seconds:    17.62

Number of primes: 664579

End time:         Thu Jul  3 00:32:46 2008
Elapsed seconds:  71.55


/home/daryl/sage-3.0.2/sage /home/daryl/UserData/sage/sieve.sage

SAGE Version 3.0.2, Release Date: 2008-05-24

Start time:       Thu Jul  3 00:32:49 2008

Array size:       10000000

Create array:     Thu Jul  3 00:33:15 2008
Create seconds:   25.71

Mark primes:      Thu Jul  3 00:34:24 2008
Mark seconds:     69.22

Count primes:     Thu Jul  3 00:34:53 2008
Count seconds:    28.96

Number of primes: 664579

End time:         Thu Jul  3 00:34:53 2008
Elapsed seconds:  123.89


cat /home/daryl/UserData/sage/sieve.sage
#!/usr/bin/env sage

# sieve of Erasthenes

# 2008/07/02 DWH Fix bug not processing last element in array
# 2008/04/29 DWH Switch from numerical array to character array for
#                Switch from srange() to while loop.

from time import *

# print start time

print '============================================'
print version()
start = time()
print 'Start time:      ', ctime(start)

#create prime array p of size n and initialize to '1'

n = 10 * 1000 * 1000
print 'Array size:      ', n
p = list()
array_ctr = -1
while array_ctr < n:
    array_ctr = array_ctr + 1

create = time()
print 'Create array:    ', ctime(create)
elapsed = create - start
print 'Create seconds:  ', round(elapsed,2)


# initialize first two array elements to '0'

p[0] = '0'
p[1] = '0'

# assign '0' to non-prime numbers

q = 1
while q * q < n:
    q = q + 1
    if p[q] == '1':
        z = q * q - q
        while z + q <= n:
            z = z + q
            p[z] = '0'

mark = time()
print 'Mark primes:     ', ctime(mark)
elapsed = mark - create
print 'Mark seconds:    ', round(elapsed,2)


# count primes and print count

ctr = 0
array_ctr = -1
while array_ctr < n:
    array_ctr = array_ctr + 1
    if p[array_ctr] == '1':
        ctr = ctr + 1

count = time()
print 'Count primes:    ', ctime(count)
elapsed = count - mark
print 'Count seconds:   ', round(elapsed,2)

print 'Number of primes:', ctr

# print end time

end = time()
print 'End time:        ', ctime(end)
elapsed = end - start
print 'Elapsed seconds: ', round(elapsed,2)
print '============================================'

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