On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Nikos Apostolakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a directed graph with edges labeled using two different labels.
> Is it possible to draw this graph (2D or 3D) using two different colors
> to signify the different labels, eg red for one label and green for the
> other?  I seem to remember seeing such an exmple somewhere but I wasn't
> able to find it again.
> And a more general question.  I generated this graph as follows:  I have
> a group G with two generators acting on a finite set X.  I use GAP to get
> the orbits of each generator and then I write a smal script to produce
> a SAGE DiGraph from these data: vertices correspond to elements of X and
> edges correspond to the generators of G.  Is there a more
> "straightforward" way to do this in SAGE, I mean starting from a group
> action to get a digraph?

I don't think there is.   Improving Sage so that there *is* a straightforward
way to do this would be a great contribution for somebody to make to


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