It turns out that next year it is very possible that all USNA freshamn will have
an asus eee. The debate seems to be about the amount of ram it should have.
I can borrow one next week. It has xandros linux 500M ram, 2G "hard
drive", wireless but
no cd or dvd drive. I think I can also borrow a 8G SD card.  It comes with
konqueror but not firefox and a very limited (to put it mildly) set of
development tools.

Any suggestions as to how to get SAGE running on it? Ideally, if and
when this becomes
definite, I'd like a very simple set of instructions so that a
freshman can download a file and
make their own SD card with SAGE on it.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 8:56 PM, mabshoff
> On Jan 21, 1:17 am, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've wondered about this myself, but I don't have an Eee.  Please post
>> whatever you find out; I think the Eees look pretty sweet.
>> It should be pretty easy to do, the chip is a standard Intel x86
>> (centrino?).  As for memory, my G4 apple laptop only has 512 of memory
>> right now, and sage runs reasonably well on it - the 3d graphics
>> strain it a bit, but that's more the G4 chip's fault than the memory I
>> think.
>> Cheers,
>> M. Hampton
>> On Jan 20, 5:46 pm, JohnGuin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Has anyone tried this?  I'm not sure if the flavor of Linux on the Eee
>> > will support Sage, and am also curious if 512MB of RAM is enough.
> I think malb owns one, but I am not sure if he talked about buying one
> or if he already did. As observed above 512 MB is enough. You can also
> strip down the binary distribution if you do not intent to do any
> development, i.e. remove all static libraries, strip all binaries,
> remove header and so on.
>> > If anyone has actually run this config, please let me know.  Thanks
>> > all!
>> > John
> Cheers,
> Michael
> >

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