Ok, I forgot to mention that i'd like to plot the real and imaginary
parts or the absolute value of the function. With your help i got this

sage: E = pari(['1', 'I'])
sage: f = lambda a,b: E.ellwp(a+b*I)
sage: g= lambda a,b: real(E.ellwp(a+b*I))
sage: P = plot3d(g,(0.1,0.9),(0.1,0.9), adaptive=True,
sage: P.show(figsize=[10,10])

The resulting plot is already close to what i had in mind in the first
place. Here I chose the interval (0.1,0.9)x(0.1,0.9) because it
contains no poles of the weierstrass p function. For larger intervals,
containing poles the plot becomes somehow biased, since one axis
reaches nearly to infinity. My question now is how i can "delimit" the
resulting plot, so that for example every value larger than 10 wont be
shown. I hope I explained that comprehensible...

Something else I have to remark is that the function ellwp() gives
strange results for lattice points. If I'm not mistaken,

sage: E = pari(['1', 'I'])
sage: E.ellwp(1+I)

for example doesnt make sense, since the weierstrass p-function has a
pole at 1+I.


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