On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 1:21 PM, John Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm trying to define a class based on Algebra, and I'm having
>  problems.  I think the issue is that I don't understand how coercion
>  is supposed to work.
>  Right now I have
>   def class SteenrodAlgebra(Algebra)
>  and
>   def class SteenrodAlgebraElement(AlgebraElement)
>  In the second one, I've defined an _add_ method.  Should I also define
>  an __add__ method explicitly, or should I do something with coercion
>  and the class SteenrodAlgebra?

You should not define __add__.  Just define _coerce_impl.

(Of course, you already know this since I looked over your
code in person today.  But I'm answering this email for completeness.)

> I've tried reading the documentation
>  (like section 11.5.2 in the reference manual), and I've tried reading
>  various pieces of source code, but I'm just getting confused.
>  Here's the relevant code.
>  steenrod_prime = 2
>  class SteenrodAlgebra(Algebra):
>     def __init__(self, p=steenrod_prime):
>         """
>         INPUT:
>             p: positive prime integer
>         return mod p Steenrod algebra
>         """
>         if is_prime(p):
>             self.prime = p
>             ParentWithGens.__init__(self, GF(p))
>         else:
>             raise ValueError, "%s is not prime." % p
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "mod %d Steenrod algebra" % self.prime
>     def __eq__(self,right):
>         return type(self) == type(right) and \
>                self.prime == right.prime
>     def __call__(self, x):
>         if isinstance(x, SteenrodAlgebraElement) and x.parent() is
>  self:
>             return x
>         else:
>             return SteenrodAlgebraElement(self,x)
>     # I don't know how to write this.
>     # I took this from FreeAlgebraQuotient, I think.
>     def _coerce_impl(self, x):
>         """
>         Return the coercion of x into this Steenrod algebra.
>         The algebras that coerce into this quotient ring are:
>            * this Steenrod algebra
>            * its base field
>         """
>         return self._coerce_try(x, [self, self.base_ring()])
>     def __contains__(self, x):
>         return isinstance(x, SteenrodAlgebraElement) and x.parent() ==
>  self
>  class SteenrodAlgebraElement(AlgebraElement):
>     def __init__(self, poly, p=steenrod_prime):
>         """
>         INPUT:
>             poly: dictionary with entries of form (monomial,
>  coefficient)
>             Each coefficient is in GF(p), and each monomial is a tuple
>             of non-negative integers (a, b, c, ...), corresponding to
>             the Milnor basis element Sq(a, b, c, ...).
>             p: positive prime number (default steenrod_prime)
>         """
>         if is_prime(p):
>             if p == 2:
>                 RingElement.__init__(self,SteenrodAlgebra(p))
>                 F = parent(self).base_ring()
>                 self.base_field = F
>                 new_poly = {}
>                 for mono in poly:
>                     trimmed = check_and_trim(mono)
>                     if new_poly.has_key(trimmed):
>                         coeff = F(poly[mono] + new_poly[trimmed])
>                     else:
>                         coeff = F(poly[mono])
>                     if not coeff.is_zero():
>                         new_poly[trimmed] = coeff
>                 self.elt = new_poly
>             else:
>                 raise NotImplementedError, "Only the mod 2 Steenrod
>  algebra has been implemented"
>         else:
>             raise ValueError, "%s is not prime." % p
>     def _add_(self, other):
>         F = self.base_field
>         poly1 = self.elt
>         poly2 = other.elt
>         for mono in poly2:
>             if poly1.has_key(mono):
>                 coeff = F(poly1[mono] + poly2[mono])
>             else:
>                 coeff = F(poly2[mono])
>             if coeff == 0:
>                 del poly1[mono]
>             else:
>                 poly1[mono] = coeff
>         return SteenrodAlgebraElement(poly1)
>  # should I do this?
>  #     def __add__(self, other):
>  #         return (self._add_(other))
>  >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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