On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Craig Citro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hey all,
>  (I'm cc'ing this to sage-devel, because I think there are people there
>  who care about modular forms who might not read sage-support.)
>  So I've also posted a patch on #2674, which actually fixes both of
>  these issues, as well as the fact that it currently is the case that
>  adding an element of CuspForms(22) to an element of ModularForms(22)
>  breaks.
>  Now, I agree with William's point here:
>  >  Note that
>  >
>  >   b[0] + 0
>  >
>  >  and
>  >
>  >   0 + b[0]
>  >
>  >  should *not* work, since in each case that's a canonical coercion,
>  >  and there is no natural map from ZZ (the parent of 0) into CuspForms(...)
>  >  for any weight except 0.   In Sage coercions should not happen 
> automatically
>  >  unless they are in some way natural and well defined on the whole domain
>  >  of the coercion (in this case ZZ).
>  >
>  However, the modular forms code isn't the culprit -- it just tries to
>  coerce in by calling the coercion code for the underlying free module.
>  Here's why this actually works:
>  sage: M = ZZ**3
>  sage: M(0)
>  (0, 0, 0)
>  sage: M(1) # goes boom

Wait -- it's perfectly fine that M(0) works!  It's only bad if this
were to work:

sage: M._coerce_impl(0)
(0, 0, 0)

In fact, the above does work.   That's because this code is wrong:

    def _coerce_impl(self, x):
        Canonical coercion of x into this free module.
            (0, 4/3, 8/3, 4, 16/3)
        if isinstance(x, (int, long, sage.rings.integer.Integer)) and x==0:
            return self.zero_vector()

>  >  There are some canonical coercions that one *should* have in the context
>  >  of modular forms that aren't there, probably partly because this whole
>  >  "canonical
>  >  coercions" business was after I wrote the modular forms code.  Here's
>  >  an example bug (=lack of a coercion that should be there):
>  >
>  >
>  >  sage: b=CuspForms(22).basis()
>  >  sage: sum(b, b[0].parent()(0))
>  This now works fine with the patch I posted to #2674.
>  Currently, there are no coercions between different levels; which such
>  coercions would people like to see?

The map f(q) |--> f(q) is a canonical coercion from level Gamma to level Gamma'
for any subgroup Gamma' of Gamma.   It's the 1-th degeneracy map, but is the
most canonical since it is the identity map on q-expansions.

> Coercing from Gamma0(M) to
>  Gamma0(Md) seems plausible, though one argue that it's a choice of one
>  specific degeneracy map. That is, it seems "standard" but not
>  canonical. I think it's the same as asking for a natural map from
>  ZZ['x'] to ZZ['y'].

I disagree.  A modular form -- viewed as a function on the upper half
plane -- for
Gamma0(M) is automatically also one for Gamma0(Md) in a canonical way.
It's invariant under the smaller group.

> Of course, this works in Sage, so maybe the above
>  map should, too. Maybe also maps from Gamma0 to Gamma1 and GammaH? And
>  GammaH to Gamma1?

Whenever one group is contained in another, coerce.

>  Which maps seem reasonable to people? Jay, are there any of these that
>  you would expect to work that don't?
>  -cc
>  >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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