On Feb 8, 2008 11:05 AM, Kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble doctesting non sage files. The only things I
> could find in the Programming Guide were:
>   4.3.1 Testing .py, .pyx and .sage Files
>      Run sage -t <filename.py> to test that all code examples in
>      filename.py. Similar remarks apply to .sage and
>      .pyx files.
> and
>   5.3.8 Doctests
>      If x.pyx is a Cython file, then you can do
>       sage -t x.pyx
>      to test all the examples in the documentation strings in x.pyx.
> But this does not seem to be sufficient. One question: what about
> .spyx files? Here is an experiment done on version 2.10.1 that shows
> that some clarification (if not some coding) is desirable:
> Create a file hello.py with contents:
>   def hello():
>       """
>       Return a friendly string.
>       EXAMPLES:
>       sage: hello()
>       Goodbye!
>       """
>       return 'Hello!'
> Make copies of the file called
>   hello.sage
>   hello.pyx
>   hello.spyx
> and then run the commands
>   $ sage -t hello.sage  # reports correctly that 'Hello' is not
> 'Goodbye'
>   $ sage -t hello.py    # NameError: name 'hello' is not defined
>   $ sage -t hello.pyx   # NameError: name 'hello' is not defined
>   $ sage -t hello.spyx  # blithely reports incorrectly that all tests
> pass
> Following a hint in the Programming Guide, in the case of hello.py,
> after changing the EXAMPLES section so it reads
>   sage: from hello import *
>   sage: hello()
>   Goodbye!
> the correct behaviour is recovered. Applying the same change to
> hello.pyx is not the right thing to do, since the import will grab the
> function out of the module hello.py. However, after changing the name
> of the file to hello2.pyx and the function to hello2, we encounter
> the same NameError.
> =

Thanks.  I've made


 -- William

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