On Feb 9, 2008 1:14 PM, Simon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Bobby,
> On Feb 9, 12:26 pm, "Bobby Moretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We chose this since triple equals seemed ridiculous.
> Certainly i understand that you had to make a choice, and i agree that
> it is a reasonable choice.
> Certainly i agree that a change would be destructive,
> and certainly for a mathematician
> sage: solve(x^2 - 2 == 0, x)
> or even more
> sage: solve(x^2 - 2 = 0, x)
> is very intuitive.
> Confusing is it only for those who did programming before. In
> solve(x^2 - 2 == 0, x), i would guess that the "equation" is first
> evaluated, and it becomes solve(False,x).
> Is it technically possible that Sage generally interpretes "==" as a
> test for equivalence, *except* if it is used inside "solve"?
> > If not ==, what would you propose for creating symbolic expression
> > objects? The other obvious choice is eq(f, g), but I think that this
> > is inferior since it is much harder to guess.
> How often does one need an equation *outside solve*? I never did!
> So, if one really wants an equation as an object, why not eq(f,g)?
> And if one wants to use solve, why not in that way:
> sage: solve(x^2,'=',2,x)  # solves x^2=2
> sage: solve(x^2,'<',2,x)  # solves x^2<2
> etc.
> Or:
> sage: solve(x^2-2,x)
> This would solve x^2-2=0, and i think there are CAS who have that
> syntax in a solve command!

Exactly, this is my philosophy too. But I understand other people may
have different opinions.


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