Simon King wrote:
> Dear sage team,

Hi Simon,

> i wrote some module defining a class "Tensor" (just a quick hack), and
> if this is in a file Tensors.spyx, then
>   sage: attach Tensors.spyx
> works perfectly.
> Now, i changed it to a file Tensors.pyx, and created like
> this:
>> sage -cython Tensors.pyx
>> gcc -c -fPIC -I/usr/local/include/python2.5/ -o Tensors.o Tensors.c
>> gcc -shared -o Tensors.o
> I thought that "attach Tensors.spyx" does essentially the same. But
> when i now say
>   sage: from Tensors import Tensor
> i get
> <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: ./ undefined symbol:
> PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8

This indicates that this extension module has been build against a python
bild with ucs2 while we now build python with ucs4. The solution is likely
top include Sage's python headers located in $SAGE_LOCAL/include/python

> What is the reason? Why is the internal compilation of the spyx file
> working but not the compilation of the pyx file?

It's the headers since you pick the wrong ones :) - Sage 2.10 was the
first Sage release after we switched to ucs4, so with 2.8.x and 2.9.x the
above would have worked.

> Yours
>       Simon



> >

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