Would be nice to have more "design decisions"/architecture documented.
Anyway: Why that? (attachement)


On Feb 6, 2008 6:07 AM, Ted Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alex wrote:
> > I am using Mac OSX, running Python 2.5.1 from the terminal.
> >
> > By "regular interpreter" i mean, pulling up the Terminal and typing
> > python to launch the Python. I want to be able to bundle everything up
> > for users and let them interact with whatever interpreter they use and
> > not necessarily need to know about using sage.  Allowing them to build
> > write scripts referencing my classes to manipulate data.
> >
> > Again, I'm new to Sage and Python (am typically a Java dev) so I
> > apologize if these questions are ridiculous.  I am trying to find
> > analogous situation to jaring up my library and letting users use it
> > to build Java apps.
> Here is my current understanding of what Sage's architecture looks
> like (corrections by more knowledgeable developers are welcomed):
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/tkosan/misc/sage_architecture_v.05.png
> What this diagram shows is that Sage takes a standard python
> environment and then significantly enhances it with: 1) python code
> developed by the core Sage developers. 2) open source math-oriented
> python modules, and 3) pseudo-tty connections to various stand-alone
> applications which are written in various languages.
> In Java, this might be similar to taking Java SE 6, bundling various
> open source packages with it, and also bundling various native
> applications with it and accessing them with JNI.
> Sage contains so much customized functionality that there is no easy
> way to get around the need for people to have their own complete copy
> of Sage in order to run any Sage-based code you may develop :-)
> Since you are a Java programmer learning Python, I recommend that you
> read the "Jython Essentials" book from O'Reilly before moving on to
> pure Python books.  The Jython book explains how Python works by
> showing how it is similar to Java and also how it is different.  I
> also came to Python from Java and I think this short book was able to
> get me up and running with Python much quicker than a pure Python book
> would have been able to do.
> Ted
> >

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<<inline: sage_architecture_v.05.png>>

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