mabshoff wrote:
> Here we go with Sage 2.10.1.rc5. This is the *final* rc and
> it will be identical with the final 2.10.1 release modulo
> any critical bug fixes that will pop up over the next 12
> hours. The release is planned for the tonight (PST).
> We finally fixed the ATLAS build issue that would cause very
> long build times. If your ATLAS build takes very long please
> let us know and we can provide you with the needed information
> to create pre-tuned settings that we will then include in the
> next release.
> Please report *any* build issues and doctest failures.

On Fedora 7 32 bits:

         sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/transform.pyx
Total time for all tests: 2584.1 seconds
Please see /home/jaap/downloads/sage-2.10.1.rc5/tmp/test.log for the complete 
log from this test.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-2.10.1.rc5]$ ./sage -t  
sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/transform.pyx     
File "transform.pyx", line 212:
     sage: m
     [                                       (1 - cos(theta))*x^2 + cos(theta) 
(-sin(theta)*abs(z)^3 - (cos(theta) - 1)*x*z^2*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1))/z^2 
(sin(theta)*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)*abs(z)^3 + (1 - cos(theta))*x*z^4)/z^3]
     [             sin(theta)*abs(z) + (1 - cos(theta))*x*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)  
                        (cos(theta) - 1)*z^2 + (cos(theta) - 1)*x^2 + 1 
(-sin(theta)*x*abs(z) - (cos(theta) - 1)*z^2*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1))/z]
     [    (-sin(theta)*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)*abs(z) - (cos(theta) - 1)*x*z^2)/z  
    (sin(theta)*x*abs(z) - (cos(theta) - 1)*z^2*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1))/z 
                                (1 - cos(theta))*z^2 + cos(theta)]
     [                                              (1 - cos(theta))*x^2 + 
cos(theta)                  (1 - cos(theta))*x*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1) - 
sin(theta)*sqrt(z^2)          (sin(theta)*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)*sqrt(z^2) + (1 - 
     [                 sin(theta)*sqrt(z^2) + (1 - cos(theta))*x*sqrt(-z^2 - 
x^2 + 1)                                 (cos(theta) - 1)*z^2 + (cos(theta) - 
1)*x^2 + 1 (-(cos(theta) - 1)*z*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)*sqrt(z^2) - 
     [        (-sin(theta)*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 1)*sqrt(z^2) - (cos(theta) - 
1)*x*z^2)/z  (sin(theta)*x*z - (cos(theta) - 1)*z*sqrt(-z^2 - x^2 + 
1)*sqrt(z^2))/sqrt(z^2)                                               (1 - 
cos(theta))*z^2 + cos(theta)]
1 items had failures:
    1 of  25 in __main__.example_0
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
For whitespace errors, see the file .doctest_transform.pyx
          [4.9 s]
exit code: 256


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