On Jan 29, 2008 7:11 AM, dpvc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the current status of your sprite fonts plugin?  That seems like
> > that would address the size issues.
> It was a nice idea, but turned out to have some serious drawbacks.  It
> really slowed down IE (it appears that IE renders the entire image
> behind the scenes even though only a tiny portion is showing), and
> since it was already too slow to begin with, it made it unbearably
> so.  Firefox works unexpectedly slowly on the hi-res fonts for
> printing.  Also, Opera (at the time) had a bug that prevented the
> clipped images from being positioned properly, and so I had to use
> background images, and that meant they didn't print unless the user
> turned on printing of backgrounds.  I haven't checked recently to see
> if Opera has fixed that bug or not.  Firefox on the PC did not show
> print previewing correctly, but did print correctly.  On the other
> hand, Opera on the PC previews correctly, but prints incorrectly.  (It
> seems that print previewing on the PC is not very closely tied to the
> actual print results.)  There were also other printing issues, and
> since every character has to be put into separate clipping boxes and
> aligned properly by hand, there are noticeable baseline alignment
> issues at times, and the resulting HTML is considerably more complex.
> In the end, it seems that the sprite-based image fonts were just too
> fragile and browser dependent, so I have not continued development on
> that front.  Indeed, I'm not sure they still work with the current
> version of jsMath (I haven't tested them in a while).  On the other
> hand, there are new versions of Opera and IE since I worked on the
> sprite fonts, so perhaps the situation has improved.
> > what is the possibility that
> > we could automagically extract the character images on the server side
> > and send those, so that from the client, it would appear as if the
> > original image fonts plugin was loaded.
> Well, it probably could be done through some sort of CGI interface,
> but it seems to me that it would be likely slow jsMath down even
> further.  It also violates one of the important design decisions for
> jsMath, which is not to reply on programs running on the server.  And
> if you are going to start running things on the server, why not just
> process the complete formula on the server with one of the many
> possible choices of tex->image rendering (mimeTeX, BlahTeX, dvipng,
> etc)?  It seems pretty inefficient to process individual characters
> one at a time.  Maybe it would help to have the results cached, but
> they isn't that really just the same as having the individual images
> all there initially?
> It may be possible to reduce the number of sizes used by perhaps not
> use the very largest and smallest sizes, but the large ones are there
> for the hi-res printing, so you might have to lose that.  It might
> also be possible to leave out every other size, but that would mean
> the math might not match the text size quite so well.  You could
> probably cut the image font size in half or more that way.  But is it
> really worth it?  in these days 100 of 200 GB hard drives, is 80 MB
> all that much?  That's about 50 images from my digital camera, or just
> about two rolls of traditional film.  I have single sound files that
> are larger than that.
> The real solution is, of course, to install the jsMath TeX fonts and
> avoid the whole issue.  For a private installation (like I expect most
> sage installations are), where you are the only person looking at the
> web pages that use jsMath, it is reasonable not to install the image
> fonts because once you have the jsMath TeX fonts, there is no need for
> anything else.  On the other hand, if you are hosting a public site,
> where you don't know whether your reader has installed the fonts or
> not, then you have to decide whether it is worth the space in order to
> give those users a better view of the mathematics on your site.  My
> own feeling is that the image fonts are so much superior to the
> unicode results that it is worth it to me (because I know that most
> people won't install the TeX fonts, so image-font mode turns out to be
> the primary mode used by most viewers).  While I would like a method
> with a smaller footprint on the server, I haven't found one that is as
> reliable and maintainable as the image fonts.

You've convinced me.  We'll make an optional spkg that people can
install on servers to enable this functionality:



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