kcrisman wrote:
> I'm sorry, I didn't read the ticket on this.
> This is pretty great - thanks for the work!   Amazing what is possible
> to do.  I assume by the fact that you gave the variable that name that
> it would be possible at some later point to amend the code to allow
> checking for other extra_property possibilities, like is_bipartite(),
> is_eulerian(), is_connected(), etc., or even more than one at once...
> though on the minus side my computer (only G4) takes quite a while
> even computing len(list(graphs(8))), so maybe that's starting to get
> carried away.
> I also agree with Jason's review regarding the much improved show()
> functionality - what does the following output under this patch?
> sage: show([circle((0,0),n) for n in [1..3])
> or, if that syntax is not good (I still get confused about what's
> allowed in the list comprehension),
> sage: show([circle((0,0),1),circle((0,0),2),circle((0,0),3)])

I'm working on generalizing the show(list of something) functionality 
right now...


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