On Dec 13, 8:04 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2007 10:48 AM, Marshall Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to install sage on a bunch (30-60) of computers (intel OS
> > X machines) which don't have the developer tools included (like
> > make).  Is there a way of remotely installing the OS binaries?  Has
> > anyone done something like this on a large scale?
> Take the following with a grain of salt, since I've never done this before.
> Just extract the appropriate binary from here on one of them:
>  http://sagemath.org/SAGEbin/apple_osx/intel/
> and make sure it fully works -- do "make check"!!
> Then do something with ssh like
> scp sage-2.8.15-osx10.4-intel-i386-Darwin.tar.gz that_computer:
> ssh that_computer tar zxvf sage-2.8.15-osx10.4-intel-i386-Darwin.tar.gz
> ssh that_computer "cd sage-2.8.15-osx10.4-intel-i386-Darwin; ./sage"
> where that_computer runs through the hostname.
> This will only work if they are running ssh servers, which maybe they aren't?
> William

I would either recommend rsync or NFS to do that job. NFS is less
work, but if your network is wonky you will be in for a world of pain.
In addition startup times of Sage will likely go up by a lot. rsync on
the other hand is a little more work, but if you combine cron and
rsync to run some off duty hours that shouldn't be a problem. When I
did sysadmin work I always preferred the rsync solution over NFS due
to better reliability and better performance.

Apple itself has some software deployment tool, but I don't even
remember the name of it, so somebody else who knows more about it
should let us know.

We should also write some chapter with example scripts for the
documentation, since I am sure this issue will come up again.



> > I will attempt to figure this out on my own but comments/help are
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > Marshall Hampton
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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