On Dec 1, 4:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Groenewald) wrote:
> Hi William et al,

Hello Jan,

> I am running sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux-Ubuntu.tar.gz, reading
> the tutorial.
> Meta comment: How about using hevea instead of latex2html?
> (Licensing issue)
> 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$apt-cache policy hevea latex2html|grep feisty
>         500http://proxy.aims.ac.zafeisty/main Packages
>         500http://proxy.aims.ac.zafeisty/multiverse Packages
> <sniphttps://localhost:8000/doc/live/tut/about.html>
> Comments and Questions
> On to the good stuff:
> General comments and questions regarding this document should be sent by
> email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you are able to provide suggested text,
> either to replace existing incorrect or unclear material, or additional
> text to supplement what's already available, we'd appreciate the
> contribution.
> </snip>
> ^^ Fix that notice to point to sage-support
> In the tutorial, all main page titles at the top seem to
> be lower case only. e.g.
> 2.10.2 systems of des using laplace transforms
> Should read Systems of DEs...
> (Firefox on Feisty)
> 2.10.2, few lines on: equatoins should read equations
> 3.9 saving and loading complete sessions
> Some of the yellow blocks of unix shell code around section 3,
> which should be <pre> is displaying with italics and font errors.
> In secion 3.9 for instance, the first yellow code block, only
> ~/tmp is in verbatim font, then follows italic, larger, sagesage: ...
> When I view page source I get (should that not all be class="verbatim"?):
> <div class="verbatim"><pre>~/tmp<span class="math"> sage sage: E =
> EllipticCurve('11a') sage: M = ModularSymbols(37) sage: a = 389 sage: t
> = M.T(2003).matrix(); t.charpoly().factor()  _4 = (x - 2004) * (x -
> 12)^2 * (x + 54)^2 </pre>...
> 3.10 the notebook interface:
> "displaces the SAGE notebook webpage."
> should read
> "displays the SAGE notebook webpage."
> 4.2 GAP
> SAGE comes with GAP 4.4.7 for computational discrete mathematics,
> especially group theory.
> Should read "4.4.10" by now.
> 4.2 GAP (occurs elswhere too) The last line, <code><span
> class="math">SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/gap-4.4.7/pkg</code>.
> the _R is rendered as a subscript. The text is large and italic.
> Should be verbatim.
> 4.4 maxima
> The yellow code blocks show "sage.:" as the sage prompt,
> not "sage:".
> 5.1 loading and attaching sage files
> In particular, attach has the side effect of (auto-reload), very handy
> when debugging code, while load does not.
> ^^ What are the parentheses for?
> 6.1.2 how some python annoyances are resolved in sage
> Integer division: The expression 2/3 has much different behavior in
> Python than in any standard math system. In Python, if m  and n  are
> ints then m/n  is also an int, namely the quotient of m  divided by n .
> Therefore 2/3=0 . This illustrates how Python is similar to C in many
> ways (arrays are also indexed starting at 0). There has been talk in the
> Python community about changing Python so 2/3 returns the floating point
> number 0.6666..., and making 2//3 return 0 .
> ^^^^^^^^^ my comment:
> "from __future__ import" division will import the future behaviour,
> apparantly as of python3.0, which is / real division and // integer
> division.
> 6.3 how do i reference sage?
> If you write a paper using SAGE, please reference computations done with
> SAGE by including
> [SAGE], SAGE Mathematical Software, Version 2.6,http://www.sagemath.org
> ^^^
> How about a function bibtex() similar to latex() which gives a bibtex
> entry? Coudl default to bibtex(sage) but could also provide
> bibtex(pari), bibtex(gp), bibtex(Singular), etc.

This is now ticket #1348.

> If you happen to have just read straight through this tutorial, and have
> some sense of how long it took you, please let me know (email
> ^^^ Uhm, I did an hour or two yesterday and an hour or two today.
> Not sure. It's much more of a showcase() than a tutorial(). It has a
> heavy algebraic slant,

No real surprise there I guess, but there are more and more non-
algebraic users of Sage so this is starting to change. But as you
pointed out: patches welcome ;)

> and most students start learning more numerical
> work. ODE and Statistics examples would be great (I know, I know, submit
> them, I'm trying to learn SAGE!). We teach almost exclusively scipy
> atwww.aims.ac.zanow, but some lecturers still teach Maxima, Octave,
> and R, even Singular and GAP, and I would like to see them unified via SAGE,
> probably.

Excellent, there is already and optional R.spkg and it will become
part of the standard distribution shortly.

> Separate issue:
> I have permission problems installing sage system wide in a lab.
> I want each student to run their own sage and notebook(). (We don't
> have a central powerful machine to run a notebook for everyone to connect
> to...) Aftera untarring sage in /usr/local/src, chmod -R +r,
> chown -R root.root, etc. I run sage once (as root) and run notebook()
> as myself. Then other arb users don't have access to run notebook.
> Should I be setting a password I have to give everyone? I'd like to allow
> each of them to set their own notebook() password, in ~/.sage, instead of
> using /usr/local/src/sage-VERSION/sage_notebook/ (if that makes sense?):

I think that would be a good idea to store the notebook setting in
~/.sage, but that might need some discussion first on how to best
implement that.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | SAGE Version 2.8.13, Release Date: 2007-11-21                      |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: notebook()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.OSError'>               Traceback (most recent call last)
> /usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/server/notebook/notebook_object.py
>  in __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
>     135     """
>     136     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
> --> 137         return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
>     138
>     139     notebook = run_notebook.notebook_twisted
> /usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/server/notebook/run_notebook.py
>  in notebook_twisted(self, directory, port, address, port_tries, secure, 
> reset, accounts, server_pool, ulimit, timeout, open_viewer, sagetex_path, 
> start_path)
>      61              start_path = ""):
>      62     if not os.path.exists(directory):
> ---> 63         os.makedirs(directory)
>      64     port = int(port)
>      65     conf = '%s/twistedconf.tac'%directory
> /usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/local/lib/python/os.py in 
> makedirs(name, mode)
>     170         if tail == curdir:           # xxx/newdir/. exists if 
> xxx/newdir exists
>     171             return
> --> 172     mkdir(name, mode)
>     173
>     174 def removedirs(name):
> <type 'exceptions.OSError'>: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'sage_notebook'

> Also, it would be great to have a few lines documented to install system
> wide on identically imaged machines (with central auth/filespace),
> something like:
>    sudo -i
>    cd /usr/local/src/
> wgethttp://www.sagemath.org/SAGEbin/linux/32bit/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux-Ub...
>    tar xvzf sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux-Ubuntu.tar.gz
>    cp sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/sage /usr/local/bin/
>    sed -ie 's#="....."#="/usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux/"#' 
> /usr/local/bin/sage
>    rm /usr/local/bin/sagee
>    chmod a+r -R /usr/local/src/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux
>    chown -R root.root sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux
>    echo "exit" | sage # (run once as root and exit)
>    # set up notebook to allow all users to run their own notebook
>    # from their own .sage?

The manual is currently being reworked, so maybe we should add and/or
improve the documentation on how to install, especially in a multi-
user setting.

> Oh, and thanks for the awesome work for Free Software and Science!


> regards,
> Jan

Thanks for all the feedback.


> --
>    .~.
>    /V\     Jan Groenewald
>   /( )\    www.aims.ac.za
>   ^^-^^
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