On Tuesday 27 November 2007, Simon King wrote:
> Dear sage-supporters,
> sometimes, when a Singular object is printed, only the name but not
> the content is shown. In an example that David Joyner pointed me at,
> the output is
>     x(1)^7*x(2)-x(1)*x(2)^7,sage4[1,2],sage4[1,3]
> but it should be
>     x(1)^7*x(2)-x(1)*x(2)^7,
>     x(1)^12-2*x(1)^9*x(2)^3-x(1)^6*x(2)^6+2*x(1)^3*x(2)^9+x(2)^12,
> x(1)^18+2*x(1)^15*x(2)^3+3*x(1)^12*x(2)^6+3*x(1)^6*x(2)^12-2*x(1)^3*x(2)^15
> There is an apparent reason for abbreviating the output of the
> Singular-variable 'sage4', namely the polynomials are a bit large (but
> not THAT large, actually). I'm not sure if the abbreviation is a
> feature or an oddity.

It's a buglet but I believe this is handled in Singular this way, not sure 
though. Could you open a trac ticket for this?


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
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