> Do you know of any "dangerous" commands that can cause Singular to
> start to compute nonsense? Perhaps an answer would simplify my attempt
> to detect an error in my code.

Hi Simon,

I don't know such commands, but I have a suggestion which should help you/us 
to debug this.

If you 'tell' the Singular interface to write a logfile, you/we can see what 
is going on on the Singular side:

sage: singular = Singular(logfile='/tmp/singlog')
sage: singular(1+1)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ tail -f /tmp/singlog
// ** loaded /usr/local/sage-2.8.1/local/LIB/triang.lib (1.11,2006/12/06)
// ** loaded /usr/local/sage-2.8.1/local/LIB/elim.lib (1.21,2006/08/03)
// ** loaded /usr/local/sage-2.8.1/local/LIB/poly.lib (1.46,2007/07/25)
// ** loaded /usr/local/sage-2.8.1/local/LIB/inout.lib (1.28,2006/07/20)
> def sage0=2;
def sage0=2;
> print(sage0);

However, some Sage classes might still use the default Singular instance 
(which we just overwrote with our logging variant) but if you are working 
with Singular directly as above you should be fine. You can also modify 
sage/interfaces/singular.py and adapt the default instance as above.

Hope this helps,

name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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