Sam wrote:

> It is very interesting to me because recently I have been  thinking
> about how to call SAGE (Or one of it's cousins like Axiom, MAXIMA,
> YACAS,ALDOR) from my Java program that is going to run in a JEE server
> which is a back end of an education website.

I think that SAGE is well-suited for this type of web-application
support and that its potential in this area is enormous.  What is the
educational website you are working on?

> > The windows version does not have the capability to communicate with a
> > SAGE server yet, but this is coming soon.
> Does this mean I can't do any testing in windows yet? I am running
> SAGE in windows using the vmware bundle I downloaded from the SAGE. It
> looks like a virtual Linux machine.So if the windows version isn't
> ready yet can I use this linux virtual machine to test your program?

Your timing is good for asking these questions.  Version .03 of
SAGEIDE has just enough proof-of-concept communication code in it to
show that Java/Jython can be used to talk with a very simple
experimental SAGE server.  The proof-of-concept code worked and I am
now in the process of studying and documenting SAGE's notebook web
interface with the goal of enabling Java (and other languages) to talk
to it too.  My current estimate is that I should have something usable
within a few weeks.

> I am a  real newbie! New to SAGE , Python ,Linux, AJAX and almost
> everything else that is mentioned in this forum except Java. But I am
> so desperate that I am prepared to learn all these things if that is
> what it takes to get my job done.
> <...>
> I would like to ask you lots of questions about this but first I would
> like to play with your SAGEIDE. I am using Windows.

Instead of starting with SAGEIDE, I am going to recommend an
alternative path for you to take:

1) Go to and work through the Linux Newbie
series of ebooks you find there.  Depending on how much time you have,
this should take you between 1 and 2 weeks.  These books will give you
most of the skills you will need to set up a Linux server, install
SAGE on it, and manage it.

2) Obtain a copy of "Jython Essentials" by Pedroni and Rappin,
O'Reilly and start working through it.  I have found that this book
allows Java programmers to get up to speed on the fundamentals of
Python quicker that most other books.  This is the book that gave me
my OMG moment with Python and I think it will do the same for you :-)

3) Obtain a copy of "Learning Python" by Lutz and Ascher, O'Reilly and
work through this book after you finish the Jython book.  This is also
a book on fundamental Python, but it has more details than the Jython
book and it is focused on the standard C version of Python which SAGE
uses.  There are other good Python beginner books available, but since
this is the one I have read, I can help you with specific questions
about it if you have them :-)  (This book is as far as I have gone in
Python so far myself and I am looking forward to working through more
advanced books.)

Anyway, hopefully soon after you are done with the Linux books I will
have some SAGE communications code for you to play with.  Until that
time, feel free to email me directly at so we
don't fill this list with non-SAGE related topics :-)


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