On 10/15/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I save a plot to a file (.eps), it saves with ungainly margins.  It seems
> like there is often a huge blank space at the top.  I don't want to have an 
> axes
> or frame in my finished output, but when I do turn on the axes and frame to
> investigate the origins of this margin, it appears like it may be the fault of
> the matplotlib leaving room for these elements even though I've turned them 
> off.
> Is there any way to do away with the huge margin?  My final goal is to include
> these graphics in a tex file and the blank space looks ugly.
> If there is guidance about a more recommended way to get sage graphics in a 
> tex
> file, I'm certainly open to instruction on this point as well.  I'm partial to
> using the pstricks and the psfrag command to get pretty labels in the final 
> tex
> output.  The psfrag command handles the sage output graphics just fine, but 
> the
> eps files from sage are gigantic (like 20 times larger) compared to similar
> output from mathematica and I think the reason is the matplotlib puts a bunch 
> of
> font information into the file.  This is annoying since I'm going to ignore 
> all
> that font information anyhow by using psfrag.

You should consider asking the same question on the matplotlib list.
Also there is .sage/matplotlib/* config files, which have a big
impact on fonts, etc.

Also, make some sample graphics as eps using *just* matplotlib,
to make sure Sage isn't doing something stupid.


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