Hi Utpal,

Does the Hasse-Minkowski theorem apply for a non-quadratic form like


On Sep 20, 2:34 pm, Utpal Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is not always a solution. Whether or not there is a solution is
> the contents of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem. I couldn't find a
> function in sage that immediately tells you whether there is a
> rational solution. There is a function that tells you whether there is
> a local solution at a prime p, namely hilbert_symbol(-N, d, p) (this
> is 1 when there is a solution, otherwise -1), and the Hasse-Minkowski
> theorem actually states that there is a global (rational) solution if
> and only if there is a local solution at every prime p including
> infinity (in sage you have to pass p = -1). In fact this only has to
> be checked for primes that divide N or d, for 2 and for infinity.
> In sage you could write a function like this, in one line if you use
> some fancy python constructs (using the N and d as in your equation
> (2), check just in case I made a mistake):
> def has_rational_solution(N,d):
>      return reduce(lambda P,Q: P and Q, [prod([hilbert_symbol(a,b,p)
> for a in [-N.numerator(), N.denominator()] for b in [d.numerator(),
> d.denominator()]]) == 1 for p in prime_divisors(2*N*d) + [-1]])
> If you have magma installed (accessible from sage in that case), then
> this function will actually give you a rational point (in homogeneous
> coordinates) if it exists:
> f := func<N,d| HasRationalPoint(Conic(P2, P2.1^2 - d*P2.2^2 +
> N*P2.3^2))> where P2 is ProjectiveSpace(Rationals(),2);
> Hope you find this useful.
> Greetings,
> Utpal
> On Sep 20, 9:40 pm, David Stahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a non-SAGE question and am hoping someone can point me to a
> > source that discusses the solution.  I am trying to find a rational
> > solution for x and y to the equation:
> > Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F =0    (1)
> > where the coefficients are rational.  This can be transformed to:
> > xprm^2 - d*yprm^2 + N = 0                  (2)
> > There are alot of websites that talk about finding integer solutions
> > to these equations with integer coefficients.  I do not think an
> > integer solution always exists when the coefficients of (2) are
> > rational but I do think a rational solution always does exist and I am
> > perfectly happy with a rational solution.  Any guidance would be
> > appreciated.  Thank you.
> > David- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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