On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 16:38:46 -0700, Werner Boeglin:

> Hello William,
> thank you for the note.
> I have another almost embarrassing question: for example I define a 2x2
> matrix using maxima:
> C=maxima("matrix([x^2*y,y^2*x],[cos(x)+y,x*cos(y)])")
> and calculate the partial derivative:
> dCdx=C.derivative('x')
> how do I calculate then the standard matrix product of the two. I know
> that in maxima I would just do C.dCdx. I could not find out how to do
> this from within SAGE.

There's no trivial way to do this in SAGE since I didn't know about
the . operator in maxima until just now.  That said, you can certainly
do it as follows:

sage: C=maxima("matrix([x^2*y,y^2*x],[cos(x)+y,x*cos(y)])")
sage: dCdx=C.derivative('x')
sage: dCdx
matrix([2*x*y,y^2],[ - sin(x),cos(y)])
sage: maxima('%s * %s'%(C.name(), dCdx.name()))
matrix([2*x^3*y^2,x*y^4],[ - sin(x)*(y + cos(x)),x*cos(y)^2])

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