I use Kanotix (debian Sid) on a Pentium4 32bit box.
When I first compiled SAGE into a subdir in my homedir it ended with an
error message about a missing program, which I added and then called
make again. Now it compiled SAGE successfully  (took 1 hour and no
error messages). Then I made a few simple test calcs in Ipython and in
a notebook, both also successfully. Among those also 2+2 in maxima.
However, when I tried the following example from the tutorial I got no
graphics but also no error messages, just no reaction apart from
jumping to a new prompt line after one second:

sage: Z = [ (1/2 + n*I/10).zeta() for n in range(70,150) ]
sage: Z_x = [w.real() for w in Z]
sage: Z_y = [w.imag() for w in Z]
sage: maxima.plot_list(Z_x, Z_y)

What is wrong? Maybe it cannot find the plot program?
I would appreciate a hint.

Apart from this, SAGE looks very cool and it really shows off the code
glueing capability of python.
Congratulations for this achievement!

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