FYI for any users of the current vector calculus functionality - please let 
the author know if you have any suggestions, especially if you have a Trac 
account (note that now having a Github account suffices for making basic 
comments etc. there).

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 12:06:18 PM UTC-4, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:
> Hi,
> After demands from users (see e.g. 
> and
> and a first attempt (see ticket #3021 
> <>), a proposal to fully implement 
> elementary vector calculus (dot and cross products, gradient, divergence, 
> curl, Laplace operator) is ready for review at #24623 
> <>.
> In this implementation, Euclidean spaces are considered as Riemannian 
> manifolds diffeomorphic to R^n endowed with a flat metric. This allows for 
> an easy use of various coordinate systems, along with the related 
> transformations. However, the user interface does not assume any knowledge 
> of Riemannian geometry. In particular, no direct manipulation of the metric 
> tensor is required.
> A minimal example is
> sage: E.<x,y,z> = EuclideanSpace(3)
> sage: v = E.vector_field(-y, x, 0)
> sage: v.display()
> -y e_x + x e_y
> sage: v[:]
> [-y, x, 0]
> sage: w = v.curl()
> sage: w.display()
> 2 e_z
> sage: w[:]
> [0, 0, 2]
> It is possible to use curl(v) instead of v.curl(), via
> sage: from sage.manifolds.operators import *
> sage: w = curl(v)
> This can be compared with the curl() already implemented (through #3021 
> <>)  for vectors of symbolic 
> expressions:
> sage: x, y, z = var('x y z')
> sage: v = vector([-y, x, 0])
> sage: v
> (-y, x, 0)
> sage: w = v.curl([x, y, z])
> sage: w
> (0, 0, 2)
> Note that [x, y, z] must be provided as the argument of curl to define the 
> orientation. A limitation of this implementation is that it is valid only 
> with Cartesian coordinates. With the #24623 
> <> implementation, we can do, in 
> continuation with the first piece of code shown above:
> sage: spherical.<r,th,ph> = E.spherical_coordinates()
> sage: spherical_frame = E.spherical_frame()  # orthonormal frame (e_r, 
> e_th, e_ph)
> sage: v.display(spherical_frame, spherical)
> r*sin(th) e_ph
> sage: v[spherical_frame, :, spherical]
> [0, 0, r*sin(th)]
> sage: w.display(spherical_frame, spherical)
> 2*cos(th) e_r - 2*sin(th) e_th
> sage: w[spherical_frame, :, spherical]
> [2*cos(th), -2*sin(th), 0]
> More detailed examples are provided in the following Jupyter notebooks 
> (click on the names to see them via
> - vector calculus in Cartesian coordinates 
> <>
> ​- vector calculus in spherical coordinates 
> <>
> - vector calculus in cylindrical coordinates 
> <>
> ​- changing coordinates in the Euclidean 3-space 
> <>
> - ​advanced aspects: Euclidean spaces as Riemannian manifolds 
> <>
> ​- the Euclidean plane 
> <>
> Needless to say, any feedback / review is welcome.
> Eric.

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