For those going to San Diego next week, here are all the Sage-related 
> events I could find.  Naturally there is also the CoCalc table and note 
> that nearly all of the PreTeXt/Mathbook XML talks will involve Sage cells 
> in some fashion.
> 1135-00-2166 Andrew Gillette, Tyler Kloefkorn and Victoria Sanders*, 
> Using Sage to Create Lists of Shape 
> Functions for Trimmed Serendipity and Serendipity Finite Elements. 
> Preliminary report. 
> 1135-16-3175 Chris A Magyar* (, 106 Spruce Street, Eau 
> Claire, WI 54703. Mapping the moduli space of complex graded associative 
> algebras through computer algebra systems. 
> 1135-83-2246 Candice Davis, Scott Geyer* (, William 
> Johnson and Zhifu Xie. Inverse Problem of Central Configurations in the 
> Collinear 5-body Problem. 
> 1135-B1-627 Tien Chih* (, 1500 University 
> Drive, Billings, MT 59101, and Demitri J Plessas. A Search for Champion 
> Boxers. 
> 1135-C1-1445 Gilbert Adam (, 2500 N River Rd., 
> Manchester, NH 03106, William Jamieson* (, 2500 N 
> River Rd, Manchester, NH 03106, Megan Sawyer (, 
> 2500 N River Rd, Manchester, NH 03106, and Christina Starkey (
>, 2500 N River Rd, Manchester, NH 03106. Exploring 
> Linear Algebra through SageMath Labs. Preliminary report. 
> 1135-C1-1698 Robert A Beezer* ( Teaching introductory 
> linear algebra with open software and textbooks. 
> 1135-F1-1864 Susan Schmoyer* (, Ewing Township, NJ. A 
> Mathematician Plays with a Spirograph. Preliminary report. 
> 1135-J5-2277 Angeliki Mali* ( and Vilma Mesa (
> Instructors and students’ uses of dynamic textbooks: 
> What is new? Preliminary report. 
> 1135-O5-2304 Karl-Dieter Crisman* ( Number 
> Theory: In Context and Interactive. 
> 1135-P1-828 Thomas W. Judson* (, Nacogdoches, TX 
> 75962. The UTMOST Sage Cell Repository. 
> 1135-P1-2123 David Austin* (, Department of Mathematics, 
> Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401. A new open-access, 
> open-source linear algebra textbook. 
> 1135-P1-2690 Joseph E. Fields* (, SCSU - 
> Mathematics, Engleman Hall (EN D118), 501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515. 
> A 21st century Foundations text. Preliminary report. 
> 1135-VD-3054 Philip B. Yasskin* (, Department of 
> Mathematics, Texas A&M University, 3368 TAMU, College Station, TX 
> 77843-3368, and Andrew Crenwelge, Joseph Martinsen, Matthew Weihing and 
> Matthew Barry. Interactive Animations in MYMathApps Calculus. Preliminary 
> report. 

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