The UTMOST Project ( investigates the affordances and challenges of integrating powerful open source software for mathematics into open source textbooks and course materials that are available in a variety of formats. The project seeks to understand the ways in which these tools change instruction in undergraduate mathematics courses and create new learning opportunities.

We are proposing a four-year research project to the National Science Foundation's Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program and are looking for the participation of faculty who teach undergraduate mathematics. We are looking for faculty interested in teaching using these textbooks and materials as part of the research study.

See attached or visit:

Our apologies if you receive several of these. Also, please forward to colleagues who might be interested.

Rob Beezer, University of Puget Sound
David Farmer, American Institute of Mathematics
Thomas W. Judson, Stephen F. Austin State University
Susan Lynds, University of Colorado
Angeliki Mali, University of Michigan
Vilma Mesa, University of Michigan
Kent E. Morrison, American Institute of Mathematics

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Attachment: utmost-call-for-participation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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