On Friday, May 12, 2017 at 9:57:23 PM UTC+1, Jorge Garcia wrote:
> Isn't n() implemented in python?

yes, however, it happens to need 

>> from sage.all import *

to work in "your" Python. Practically speaking, this means that Python must 
be Python that comes with Sage.


> TIA,
> Sent from BlueMail <http://www.bluemail.me/r?b=9660> 
> On May 12, 2017, at 11:55 AM, Andrey Novoseltsev <novo...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Can you please be more specific and give examples? Both show and comments 
>> work fine for me: 
>> http://sagecell.sagemath.org/?z=eJwrzsgv16iIM9JUUFYISS0uycxLVygGiikk5qUoJOfn5qbmlRTzcoGENJQc8_JLMlKLFHIy81KV8OpQKCnPTE4FC5VnlmQo5OQDVZWkVpQA9WanKpRkZBbTCgAArJNSXA==&lang=sage
>> As for n() without Sage, how can it work when it is implemented in Sage 
>> specifically?.. 
>> Best, 
>> Andrey 
>> On Friday, 12 May 2017 06:25:55 UTC-6, Jorge Garcia wrote: 
>>> Dear Group: 
>>> I have recently encountered a few issues related to using 
>>> http://sagecall.sagemath.org in class which never happened before.  
>>> #1) show() 
>>> I usually use the show() command when displaying output as my students 
>>> and I like "pretty print."  
>>> However, recently I've had to switch to using only print() because 
>>> show() outputs nothing.  
>>> Is there a known issue that causes this?  
>>> If so, is there a fix? 
>>> #2) comments 
>>> When I make a permalink to share my SageCells online, sometimes the 
>>> comments are truncated.  
>>> I use "#" as in the python comment. 
>>> #3) n() 
>>> On a separate note, I like using the n() method whenever I need to 
>>> display decimal approximations to many digits.  
>>> Is there a way to do this in pure python without SAGE? 
>>> TIA, 
>>> A. Jorge Garcia 
>>> Baldwin SHS & Nassau CC 
>>> http://www.youtube.com/calcpage2009 
>>> http://www.shadowfaxrant.blogspot.com 
>>> -- 
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