anyhow, this process, clicking on these old notebooks, does provide copies 
of converted to ipython sagenb notebooks,
but the whole process is very stressful at the moment, I think. This popup 
with password prompt really should not be there...

On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 9:44:03 PM UTC+1, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> it does not work for me, or at least I must be doing something wrong.
> I get to the page listing the notebooks to convert, and then, if I click 
> on a notebook, I get a weird page asking for a password or a token.
> Password or token:
>  Log in
> Token authentication is enabled. You need to open the notebook server with 
> its first-time login token in the URL, or enable a password in order to 
> gain access. The command:
> jupyter notebook list
> will show you the URLs of running servers with their tokens, which you can 
> copy and paste into your browser. For example:
> Currently running servers:http://localhost:8888/?token=c8de56fa... :: 
> /Users/you/notebooks
> Or you can paste just the token value into the password field on this page.
> Cookies are required for authenticated access to notebooks.
> What I see above doesn't look as a valid URL, and then WTF is the token I 
> can paste instead?
> I tried c8de56fa, it didn't work. I tried clicking on the URL, it brings 
> me back to the page to choose
> the notebooks...
>  Arrgh... Give me my console any time...

> On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 3:04:42 PM UTC+1, kcrisman wrote:
>> This is now default in the Sage 8.0 beta series, and we strongly welcome 
>> testers!  For a limited time only I have posted a binary of the app bundle 
>> at 
>> This should work on both Mac 10.11 and 10.12.   For bandwidth reasons I 
>> would prefer if those with the ability simply upgrade and build from 
>> scratch, but testing this app is also necessary.
>> PLEASE TRY THIS and report back if you are at all interested in making 
>> sure that Sage 8.0 doesn't come with nasty surprises for long-time sagenb 
>> users.  Preliminary testing makes it seem as if we are okay, but it would 
>> be very helpful to have feedback about better/more informative messages for 
>> end users.
>> Note if you haven't downloaded a new one for a while: because it will 
>> first have to patch some names to make sure all paths are correct, the 
>> first launch will take a LONG time.

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