The UTMOST Project has been awarded its second National Science Foundation 
Division of Undergraduate Education grant through the IUSE program.  This 
two-year, $700,000 grant will extend previous results (Sage Cell server, 
SageMathCloud, MathBook XML, and AIM Open Textbook Initiative) and conduct 
an educational research study into the mixture of open online mathematics 
textbooks, Sage, Sage cells, and SageMathCloud.

There is specific support for enhancements to the open source Sage Cell and 
SageMathCloud software, including covering hosting costs for the public 
Sage Cell server as currently maintained by SageMath, Inc., and support for 
Andrey Novoseltsev as maintainer.

A new website at the American Institute of Mathematics will debut soon and 
be a source of further information and details.

Rob Beezer, Project Director
David Farmer, PI
Tom Judson, PI
Vilma Mesa, PI
Kent Morrison, PI
Susan Lynds, Evaluator
Angeliki Mali, Senior Personnel

Advisory Board:
Jason Grout
Kiran Kedlaya
Gavin LaRose
William Stein

(UTMOST = Undergraduate Teaching of Mathematics with Open Software and 

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