As a quick follow up, on SageMathCloud we just call the Sage kernel "sagemath":

  "kernelspec": {
   "display_name": "SageMath 6.10",
   "language": "",
   "name": "sagemath"

so notebooks will work from one version of Sage to another.  But I
guess Volker (?) named the kernel for Ipython included with Sage

 -- William

On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 5:53 PM, William Stein <> wrote:
> The explicit kernel spec in your ipynb file is -- very explicitly "sage 6.9":
>   "kernelspec": {
>    "display_name": "Sage 6.9",
>    "language": "",
>    "name": "sage_6_9"
>   },
> Just open it and you will see.   I don't know if Ipython has any sort
> of "semantic versioning" for changing from one kernel to another.  For
> all Ipython knows, the kernel named "sage_6_9" is as related to the
> one provided in SMC (called "SageMath 6.10") as to the Julia or Python
> 3 or any other kernel.
>  -- William
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Robert <> wrote:
>> Hi. I'm running a course right now in which I am making a lot of Jupyter
>> notebooks for the students. I am doing this locally, using the SageMath 6.9
>> kernel. Recently SageMath Cloud went to the SageMath 6.10 kernel. I am
>> hearing from students that now, when they upload the Jupyter notebooks to
>> SMC to work with them, there's a message that comes up saying that the 6.9
>> kernel wasn't found, and they have to select a kernel from a list before it
>> runs. (It looks like it only does this the first time the notebook is
>> opened.)
>> I was just curious as to why this is happening. The Jupyter notebook is just
>> a bunch of text and some SageMath code, is it not?  It clearly knows that
>> this is using the SageMath kernel otherwise it wouldn't say that the 6.9
>> kernel wasn't found. Why should it matter if the notebook was authored and
>> run under the 6.9 kernel -- why should it give this message to choose the
>> kernel, and why can it not just switch to the 6.10 kernel by default?
>> I'm attaching one of the notebooks in case you wanted to see -- I don't
>> believe that I'm using any code that would cause issues with the 6.10
>> kernel.
>> --
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> --
> William (

William (

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