The UTMOST Project investigates the affordances and challenges of 
integrating powerful open source software for advanced mathematics (ie 
Sage) with textbooks and course materials provided with open licenses and 
available in a variety of formats. The project seeks to understand the ways 
in which these tools change instruction of undergraduate mathematics 
courses and the opportunities to learn that are created with these tools.

We are proposing a research project to the National Science Foundation's 
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program and are soliciting 
the participation of undergraduate mathematics faculty to be part of this 
research study.  Please see the attached description, or follow the link 
below to learn about the activities, stipends and application procedure.

You can learn more about SageMathCloud at:

(Apologies for the cross-posting. -Rob)

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Attachment: utmost-call-for-participation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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